Role-transcending Love : A personal experience
Oct 31, 2024

Back in July of 2009, I helped a dear friend transition beyond this life. Her name was Varuna and she was 62 at the time, and I was 34. She lived in Maui, which was an old home for me for 5 years, and is where I met her.
She had been a friend for a couple years and was a profound lover of Christ and Magdalene. Though she wasn’t an artist much before, she had been told by the Sacred Lovers, Christ and Magdalene, to bring through a series of paintings. One of them was the anointing of Jeshua’s feet by Magdalene. And so, as I was Varuna’s dear Christ brother, she had me pose for the painting along with another of our sister friends posing as Magdalene.
About a year later, at the time her cancer advanced rapidly, I was living in Los Angeles. She called me and asked if I would help her transition. It’s not that we were very close friends. But she was told specifically that I was to be her main guide through the process of release and death, and through the Bardos (Tibetan term for the transitional realms in Consciousness that a Soul travels through in between lives), as this was something I had familiarity with.
Without hesitation, I flew to Hawaii and gave her my full presence for however long was needed. What an honor to be asked such a profound role! During this process, an incredible healing took place daily, in which she went from 9 medications down to 2, and ended up not transitioning for another 6 months, though had been told she had about 10 days to live.
But more than a healing took place. A Divine Transfiguration. 2 Souls came together to do the most powerful of all work. Sacred Union. Beyond roles. Totally personal, yet totally transpersonal at the same time, as the power of love beyond boundaries took us both into the Light and transformed us cell by cell.
Here is the account of this process that was enacted through us, and is an example of a Soul Intimacy that transcends roles, and embodies the Eternal Love Affair.
Day by day, my heart expanded past its previous parameters, permanently altering me and my ability to generate and sustain the space of love within myself and for others. I never could’ve imagined the level of intimate Soul union this would bring Varuna and I into and how this opening into love, above all else, would be the catalyst for her body’s physical and emotional healing.
We saw that the universal force of Love is the agent for psycho-spiritual as well as biochemical transformation. The uniting of our light codes and Soul strands through many lifetimes was completing its great work now within us… a work that for Varuna needed to be completed before she left her body. On some level we were living out her painting of Jeshua and Magdalene, but in a sort of role reversal, where I was anointing her. We actually did an intense extended ritual of me anointing all of her chakras with Frankincense, as we prepared all of her subtle bodies for her transition.
But her transition never came… she kept healing!
Nightly, we held and gently caressed each other non-sexually in the purity of love and become a chalice for The Creator… a lens of light… a cipher for bringing healing into the Earth Herself… a miracle in action… swimming in an ecstatic embryonic light together that had its own Divine intelligence, and personally utilized me stronger than I had ever experienced.
Throughout these days, the universal Heart field was so strong, it became an unwavering force that dedicated me to the Divine through this very personal experience of love in action with Varuna. It became apparent that Varuna and I had already embodied many forms in our previous lives together - that of lovers, of siblings, of parents and children of each other. Now we were tying it all together. It was a profound synthesis, and a covenant to each other’s Souls.
Often we embraced and simply held each other as those archetypal lovers, as if the sweet tantra of Jeshua and Magdalene were being embodied through us, hardly moving but receiving and generating a constant ecstatic current. And it was the most natural gift.
The full spectrum magnitude and richness of this role-transcending love was meant to be surrendered to for an ultimate transformation and deeper embodiment. For Varuna, an evolution of her Soul, a deep surrender to the infinite and to realize there is no death, the resolution of some ancient wounds, and an actual physical healing. For me, a transfiguration at the very foundation of my being, cell by cell, and in my subtle bodies, sweeping through me as a Light power that ignited my Christ heart.
The time spent with her elicited immensely strong feelings of love, baffling to the mind, multi-hued in its rich tones and layers of relational dynamics. Over and over again we gave way to the silent wonder that kept drawing us together to hold each other and let God’s love pour through us, to one another, and through us, offered to the Nameless One.
The purity of it was untaintable, filled with innocence, producing emotions that were both complex yet utterly simple. The personal and the transcendent made love in one bed. I realized through Varuna how much the human body, personality, and feelings are an extension of the vast dynamics of our Soul, and when 2 Souls interpenetrate down here on Earth, the potency of that focused lens creates a consummation in both the small self and the Eternal Self. The purity of this prism is stunning.
Varuna was also suffering deeply and painfully during this period. It would come in waves, the ecstasy and the agony. The agony would happen less and less, but it was still there sometimes. I was administering her injections, cooking food for her, caretaking her at the mundane level, and simultaneously ministering her Soul at the deepest level.
Sometimes I would fall asleep in her bed at night, and not go to my own room. I would wake up in ecstatic waves, because so much energy and healing and kundalini would pour through us. Holding her, sometimes the feelings of true love, courtship, sensuality, surging light, and desire to surrender fully to her were phenomenal. She was twice my age, and I had zero desire to be with her sexually, but something was bleeding through from other lives... and well, Shiva and Shakti were being enacted in some cosmic way.
God’s eternal act of devotion to itself was total and complete during these days, consciously opening a lens into this world through the prism of our love. There IS a higher design to these type of Soul connections, which broadcasts its union throughout the hologram of time and space in ways that can not be understood, only experienced…
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